Iberian Script

(France and Northern Spain)

Northern Iberian script

(Southern Spain and Portugal)

Southern Iberian script

From the variations shown it is easily seen that written Iberian was relatively fluid in its presentation, both in the spelling of words and in the form of its written characters. The profusion of northern variations serve to illustrate the simple fact that there were more individual tribes in the north than in the south. It is indeed sad that we have so few examples to study that to date we are unable to reliably translate any extant Iberian inscriptions. In my estimation, Dr. Barry Fell of Harvard came the closest; but the “professionals” also seem to cast a shadow of doubt over them even though they can do no better.

Fell worked closely with Oklahoma’s own self-styled explorer and epigrapher, Ms. Gloria Farley of Heavener, Oklahoma, who discovered a number of Libyan and Iberian-like inscriptions along the Cimarron River in northern Oklahoma. She attempted a translation of the popular Heavener Runestone (which I have seen more than once). Although I have talked to her by telephone, because of her infirm condition I never had the opportunity to meet the lady. Joseph D. Germano said of her: “Gloria Farley’s outstanding discoveries in Oklahoma have made Heavener one of the major centers of research in ancient American epigraphy.” (Fell, 1976:183)


Farley, Gloria, “The Anubis Caves: Introduction to Discovery,” The Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications and Papers, Vol. 14, No. 340, 1985.

Farley, Gloria, “The Anubis Caves; Oklahoma’s Ancient Equinox Site,” The Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications and Papers, Vol. 14, No. 343, 1985.

Farley, Gloria, “In Plain Sight – Old World Records of America,” Vol 1, Heavener, 1994.

Fell, Barry & Farley, Gloria, “Two Previous Unpublished Inscriptions,” The Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications and Papers, Vol. 25, 1985..

Fell, Barry, “Parietal Inscriptions of The Anubis Caves,” The Epigraphic Society Occasional Publications and Papers, Vol. 14, No. 342, 1985.

Fell, Barry, “America B.C.: Ancient Settlers in the New World,” Simon & Schuster, New York, 1976.

Shirk, George H., “Report of the Heavener Rune Stone,” The Chronicles of Oklahoma, No. 37 (Autumn 1959).

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