The Last Ice Age

Was the end a gradual event?

Timeline of temperature of last 50,000 years.
Chart traces earth temperatures for last 50,000 years.

We see a brief warm period from about 15,000 to 14,000 years ago, followed by a milder period (the two separated by a sudden drastic dip), and then the much greater cooling of the Younger-Dryas period (in red) lasting from about 13,500 to 11,600 years ago. Such a frigid onslaught should greatly increase the difficulty of farming due to the severe climate. One could conjecture that the ideal period for farming would be the relatively warm periods lasting from 15,000 to 13,000 years ago, which was then followed by the extremely cold period of from 13,000 years ago to about 11,600–a period in which farming would be very difficult.

By about 12,000 years ago the warmup is in full swing, thus farming should become more prominent; but that’s not what we actually observe. After a flurry of agricultural activity beginning some 15,000 years ago (tapering off around 13,000 years ago), farming activity seems to wane perceptibly (this includes the “ideal” pluvial period; see Atlantean Agriculture), and does not rise again until about 9,000 years ago. This significant lapse could well represent the “recovery period” following the catastrophe which had resulted in global chaos. Without the existence of a prehistoric Atlantean civilization, and the catastrophic event that accompanied its end, such agricultural anomalies are difficult to explain.

Throughout this web site I present geological, oceanographical, anthropological and archeological data demonstrating that the end of the last ice age was anything but gradual and non-eventful. It was, in fact, downright violent! The extreme temperature variations shown in the chart above are only one indication of the scientific reality of this fact.

Atlantek Software Inc., Version 1.1
Last updated: 26 February 2009.
by R. Cedric Leonard.